gisun, line of verse.
This can be inferred from the note accompanying SB 4.8, a poem with eighty-four lines of four syllables each, whose descriptive note reads duin hergen-i jalan be ulhibure ucun, jakūnju duin gisun, e sere mudan, “a four-syllable song about studying the world, eighty-four lines, E-rhyme.”hergen, syllable.
This can be inferred from the notes accompanying SB 4.8, SB 14.2, SB 14.6 and SB 14.23, which are described according to their number of syllables as duin hergen-i, “having four syllables”, sunja hergen-i, “having five syllables”, nadan hergen-i, “having seven syllables” and nadata hergen-i, “having seven syllables each”.irgebun, poem with rhyming couplets.
The terms irgebun, irgebuhengge and irgebuhe ucun are almost exclusively used with poems that have a couple-based rhyme pattern, where the second line of each couplet rhymes across the entire poem. The sole exception that I have found so far is J 8.18, titled nimaha welmiyere karan be irgebuhe irgebun, which is actually organized into quatrains.juru gisun, maxim in couplet form.
This can be inferred from SB 14.46, a collection of maxims in couplet form, which is titled manju juru gisun, “Manchu paired lines”.meyen, stanza.
This can be inferred from SB 14.13, SB 14.38 and SB 14.40, which are divided into repeated stanzas, each individually numbered as jai meyen, “second stanza”, ilaci meyen, “third stanza” and duici meyen, “fourth stanza”.mudan, poetic form, scheme (encompasses both meter and rhyme)
The idea of mudan seems to be similar to the abstract “tune” in cí poetry. It is used in this sense in notes such as hūwang ing el sere mudan, “to the tune of Huang ying’er”, where the tune encompasses both meter and rhyme. These poems are SB 14.1, SB 14.3, SB 14.4, SB 14.9, SB 14.20, SB 14.21, SB 14.26, SB 14.30, SB 14.35, SB 14.38, SB 14.43.
A more restricted meaning of “rhyme” may be inferred from notes accompanying SB 4.8, SB 4.9, SB 14.6, SB 14.7, SB 14.8, where the terms e sere mudan, a sere mudan and en sere mudan are used to describe the rhyme of each poem without specific reference to the meter. J 8.1 and J 8.2 use the terms an sere yongkiyan mudan and in sere yongkiyan mudan, but it is not clear what the word yongkiyan contributes to the meaning.uran, rhyme; verse (either couplet or quatrain).
The original meaning of “echo” seems to be logically close to the meaning of “rhyme”, since both an echo and a rhyme involve the repeating of a sound. The meaning of “rhyme” can be seen in the notes accompanying J 8.6 an sere uran, J 8.11 en sere uran and J 8.18 ng u en a e i sere ninggun uran i manju gisun.
The meaning of “verse” is inferred from SB 14.7, a poem of forty-four five-syllable lines organized into twenty-two couplets, which is described as a sere mudan, sunja hergen-i orin juwe uran-i irgebun, “A-rhyme, five syllables, twenty-two couplet poem”.
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